Friday, 18 February 2011

Part-time Victory!

Wow first off thank you so much to my first 5 followers! I really hope you all enjoy reading my blog!

It's been a slow week with the writing I've had a massive cold and spent about 3 days in bed - great start to my writers bureau course right?
However I have had a small victory this week as a little background knowledge I work 40-60 hours a week, that a social life and my two other main hobbies mean I have very little time to do the course, in other words I may have read the first three modules and completed my first assignment by the end of 2050, if I get a move on!
Clearly something has to give as if I do not get up the courage/confidence to start this course now I don't think I ever will, So I have made the decision to go part time with work the only problem was convincing my family this was a good idea, so after plenty of arguments good and bad points on both sides I am allowed to cut my hours providing I can still pay for rent and food.
So now its just a case of telling the boss. I think the courage may have gone again but wish me luck.

And happy writing to you all!

Thursday, 10 February 2011

From the beginning.

Hello to all!
I am what my mum calls a dreamer, full of big ideas but never do anything about them mostly due to laziness and lack of confidence. So to cut a long and boring story short I decided at the start of this year, I would prove her wrong (in the nicest possible way) and after a couple of wobbles, tears and fears I finally decided to enrol with the writers bureau and received my course materials this Monday -yay!
Very terrified since this is the first time I have actually ever written anything down normally everything just gets lost in a jumble in my brain, but the small part of the course I have had the time to read - as I came down with a cold this Wednesday (typical!)- says that I should write everyday, WM always talks about things like twitter, word press and blogger so I thought I would give one a try. I plan to update my writing progress here (hopefully 1-2 times a week) so I can look back on it all when I am feeling low or have 50 rejection letters in front of me.
About me:
Incase you want to know about me:
My name is Claire, I live with my mum, her partner and 3 cats, I work in a dead end job I hate that pays the bills and so I'm trying to do something more enjoyable with my life.
My interests include writing, reading, Sims, cooking, learning new things, formula one and dreaming my days away.
I have had two articles published, when I was younger, non-payed but I am hoping to add to this.
If you have any questions, requests or anything else please don't hesitate to post below or contact me, I will be more than happy to reply.
Anyway hopefully I will update here 1-2 a week.
Possibly with good news :)