1. Write my first novel
I have the initial idea outlined (very roughly) and some of the main characters but there is still tons to do! The story arc, character profiles, character names (only of the main character so far), pov, style, timeline etc. not to mention actually writing the book might help. I am going to aim for a rough draft of 100,000 words by the end of December. I'm thinking I will have my first go at national novel writing month in November to write the main bulk of the novel which leaves 5 months to write the other 50,000. If I use July for planning that's 12,500 a month. (Help!)
2. Write 2 new short stories a month
So I can get some writing practice in, work on different ideas and characters. Not so sure about submitting anything just yet, but maybe towards the end of the year.
3. Write and sell a reader's letter
This is my first stepping stone on the way to publication, hopefully it will be a fun and fruitful journey, though I am expecting a lot of headaches, rejections and bumps along the way.
4. Start and complete the writers Bureau comprehensive course:
Unbelievably I still have not even got the first assignment off for this course, I think this has been down to bad luck, procrastination (I am currently doing a anti- procrastination course, I've done the first 3 weeks and I finish the last week this weekend), and a large amount of fear as no one other than me has really read my work before, they may tell me I am no good and to never write again!!!!!!!!!!!! OK so over dramatizing but that's how I feel, so I really need to get up the courage to send this off.
The Bureau's poetry course:
It's the same story here, I need to grab the bull by the horns and just get up the courage to click the send button!
The writer's bureau writing competitions - the way to win
A friend got me this for Christmas this year (knew I shouldn't have told anyone I write) its the smallest of the three courses I have got so it would be good if I could finish this one this year and it may finally give me the courage to submit to a competition, and stop me making any stupid beginner mistakes.
5. Open degree with open university in creative writing and design
Due to the car accident I had to pull out of my two courses for this year so I am going back to the big red book for next year, and will hopefully complete it this time round, as I already have the book from last year, I plan to make a start with it this month and get ahead for once in my life.
6. Read 5 writers books by the end of 2013
I would like to read 4 new writing books this year, these are the nighttime novelist, book in a month, two teach yourself books: get started in creative writing and write short stories and get them published. And chicken soup for the soul inspiration for writers. I would also like to re-read Simon Whaley's The positively productive writer.
7. Read 20 new books by the end of the year and 26 books in total.
I have been neglecting my reading lately, especially of new books and authors and I cannot be a good writer if I am not a good reader (or so others say, and you know it kinda makes sense!) so for the end of this year in between the hard slog of the work above, I want to relax with a good book. (26 books mean one a week till the end of the year.)
8. Writing courses:
I would like to be able to go to Simon Whaley's two courses in September and October this year. September is on the 28th and 29th called writing for the magazine market and October is on the 26th and 27th called Destination: travel writer. I still need to book places on both courses, find accommodation and find out if there is public transport going to near the venue as I don't feel like a 4 hour walk from Shrewsbury station (times like this I really wish I could drive a car!) but I really would like to go as I am interested in article writing and feel it best to learn from someone I have heard of and go further afield.
9. Join a writers group and attend once a month
I really want to start taking my writing seriously and it occurred to me I don't know any writers personally (I follow a few blogs) so I would like to join a writers group and go each month till the end of the year.
10. Keep up with blog posts
I would like to keep up with my blog for the end of 2013, I plan to update at the start of each month my progress on these goals, then I have some ideas for article series on writing the first series will be called back to basics and will focus on the beginnings of writing. Other tile's are: Leveling up; competition success; 101; 1,000 - 100,000; Passions and dreams; 10,000 hours; resilience/rejection. All that should keep me going.
That should certainly be enough to keep me going! I'll update on my progress on the 1st August.
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